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Superfans By Pat Flynn - Book Review / Summary

Thinking about reading Superfans: The Easy Way to Stand Out, Grow Your Tribe, and Build a Successful Business by Pat Flynn?

Want to know a bit more about the book before you read a copy for yourself?

Well keep on reading as I’m going to let you know what you’ll find insider as well as sharing my thoughts on the book to help you decide whether you should read Superfans for yourself.

Superfans by Pat Flynn - Book Review / Summary - Pin

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Part 1: Casual Audience to Active Audience
Chapter 1: Learn the Lyrics
Chapter 2: Break the Ice
Chapter 3: Create Quick Wins
Chapter 4: Drive the DeLorean
Chapter 5: Return Every Handshake

Part 2: Active Audience to Connected Community
Chapter 6: Let Them Take a Shot
Chapter 7: Let Them Decide
Chapter 8: Create a Challenge
Chapter 9: Open the Factory Doors
Chapter 10: Stage a Gig
Chapter 11: Give Them a Name
Chapter 12: Bring Them Together
Chapter 13: Make Them Smile

Part 3: Connect Community to Superfans
Chapter 14: Remember the Lemons
Chapter 15: Send Unexpected Messages
Chapter 16: Get Them Involved
Chapter 17: Offer Platinum Access

Part 4: The Dark Side of Building Superfans
Chapter 18: The 6 Hidden Traps of Building Superfans (and How to Avoid Them)
Chapter 19: Avoiding Unwanted Recognition and Staying Safe

Part 5: Your Superfans Await




Superfans is written by Pat Flynn. Pat is a serial entrepreneur and the founder of  Smart Passive Income and the Smart Passive Income Podcast. Superfans is Pat’s third book. He has also written Let Go and Will It Fly.



At the beginning of the book, Pat introduces the concept of superfans. For a long time, businesses have been aware of the importance of fans and Pat refers to the “1,000 True Fans” essay by Kevin Kelly. For many business owners, it was that essay that started their focus on building a strong fanbase. Pat argues that “Fans are important, but superfans are everything”. He then goes on to explain the pyramid of fandom. It is the pyramid of fandom, and the stages an individual needs to go through, that form the structure of the book. People don’t just become superfans instantly and Pat wants to show you what you can do at each stage to move people up the pyramid.

In each part of the book, Pat shares a number of tactics that are specifically designed to take people from A to B. In Part 1 the focus is on taking people from casual audience to active audience, in Part 2 the focus is on taking people from active audience to connected community and in part 3 the focus is on taking people from connected community to super fans.

Within each chapter, Pat not only shares a tactic, but usually will give a case study of how he has used it in his business, or how another business has applied the tactic. Then at the end of the chapter, there is an exercise section so you can start applying the steps within your business.

Then in Part 4: The Dark Side of Building Superfans Pat highlights some of the dangers of having superfans. Whilst superfans will make it easier to build, and maintain, a successful business, there are downfalls and being aware of those downfalls sooner rather than later will help you to try to avoid them.



Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I’ve been a fan of Pat’s for a while and also find his content is easy to consume, and this book was no different. It can be daunting as a business owner to think about creating superfans, but I felt that by breaking the journey down into three transitions it felt much more achievable. I also really like that Pat had included information about the dangers of having fans (this is in Part 4: The Dark Side of Building Superfans). In business, it is important to build superfans, but there are dangers and that isn’t spoken about enough. Pat shares not only how he had made mistakes that left him exposed, but also some simple things you can do to maximise your safety.

There is a free bonus companion course that goes with the book. I haven’t check it out so can’t comment on it.



This book has been written for business owners who want to build a successful business. No matter what point you are at in relation to building your audience or community, you’ll be able to find advice that is helpful. Pat comes from the world of online business so if you also have an online business the advice will be especially valuable. However, lots of the principles can be applied to other types of businesses.


If you like the sound of you Superfans by Pat Flynn you can buy a copy for yourself by clicking here.



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Charelle Griffith acts as a Marketing Mentor, Marketing Consultant, Marketing Coach and Marketing Strategist for freelancers, solo business owners, solopreneurs and small business owners. Charelle was born and lives in Nottingham, UK, but works with clients across the UK and worldwide. 

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